Dr. Gardner speaks at the University of Sydney, NSW on Sleeping Pill use
On April 5, 2019 Dr. Gardner presented to the University of Sydney School of Pharmacy's faculty and students. He discussed Sleepwell and other initiatives for getting a god night's sleep.
Dr. Gardner wins national award!
Dr. Gardner was named one of 150 Canadians Making a Difference in Mental Health by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Over 3700 people were nominated from across Canada. Read more about it in Dal News!
Honoured guests and award recipients' celebration in Halifax, November 8, 2017 at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

Community visits in Nova Scotia, fall 2016 - 2017!
We visited 4 areas of the province (Halifax, New Minas, Sydney, Yarmouth) to discuss our work in community pharmacy mental health and addictions care and to get feedback from the public. These events were supported by a grant from the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation!
Thank you to all who attended! We appreciate your time and feedback.
We visited 4 areas of the province (Halifax, New Minas, Sydney, Yarmouth) to discuss our work in community pharmacy mental health and addictions care and to get feedback from the public. These events were supported by a grant from the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation!
Thank you to all who attended! We appreciate your time and feedback.
On May 7th, 2016 the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia Annual Road to Recovery Walk. We had an enthusiastic team of pharmacists, pharmacy students, family and friends. We raised over $5438. Thanks to those who walked with us and who donated!!